Welcome to Griff Marshall Outdoors, a full-service Central Oregon fly-fishing and outdoor outfitter, specializing in Lower Deschutes River adventures. For ten years, Griff and his crew have hosted thousands of happy guests here in beautiful Bend, Oregon. We offer Guided Trips for anglers of all ages and experience, from one person to ten, and for Single Day or Multi-Day trips. We are truly blessed to live and work here in Central Oregon and consider it an honor to share our passion for all things outdoors with you. Click here to learn more about Griff Marshall Outdoors.
About Us
Welcome to Griff Marshall Outdoors, a full-service Central Oregon fly-fishing and outdoor outfitter, specializing in Lower Deschutes River adventures. For ten years Griff and his crew have hosted thousands of happy guests here in beautiful Bend, Oregon. We offer Guided Trips for anglers of all ages and experience, from one person to ten, and for Single Day or Multi-Day Trips
Lower Deschutes Day Trips
A day spent drifting through the Lower Deschutes River is a day immersed in a canyon of fly-fishing legend. This is our home water, a river we fish more than any other. And with a decade of intensive experience, we are best positioned to quickly get you up to speed and into fish. There is simply no substituting days on the river when it comes to guiding the Lower Deschutes for fly fishing. And we have A LOT of days down there!
Meet the Deschutes
The Lower Deschutes River is an iconic Central Oregon Fly-Fishing destination. It is considered as one of very few Blue-Ribbon fisheries for both native trout and wild steelhead. The river runs nearly one-hundred-miles from its last dam to its confluence with the Columbia River. The legend and lore around the Lower Deschutes have made it a must-fish river for angling generations of all stripes from around the world. The canyon is massive and epic in every way.
Multi-Day Camp Trips
Without any doubt, a multi-day, fully outfitted Lower Deschutes River fly-fishing trip is the one we take the most pride and enjoyment running! One adventure down those thirty-four-miles will illustrate why we’re so passionate. If you have two days or five, this needs to be a trip you make happen! We will provide an adventure you’ll never forget and want to re-live year after year.
Guided Fly Fishing Trips
Griff Marshall Outdoors specializes in guiding Lower Deschutes River fly-fishing adventures. For the last decade this has been a singular passion, one we take massive enjoyment sharing with others. If you’re an experienced angler wishing to test yourself against the wiliest of fish, or a newbie simply interested in finding out what all this fly-fishing fuss is about, the Lower Deschutes is where you want to be.
Steelhead Trips
Summer-run steelhead of the Lower Deschutes River are a thing of legend in the fly-fishing world. For millennia this proud fish has fought its way up the mighty Columbia and then the Deschutes to ancestral spawning areas as high up as Bend, Oregon. While dams have made the last stretch of the journey impossible nowadays, the determined fish still find their way up the 100 miles of Lower Deschutes we call our “Home Water”.
Blogs and News
Latest News – February 2022
It is with great and humble pride that we are officially launching Griff Marshall Outdoors ...
2021-That’s a Wrap!
Photos and comments from 2021, covering both fun fishing and guiding ...
Her Heartfelt Gift
This is a copyrighted excerpt from the chapter ‘Her Heartfelt Gift’ from My Mistress W ...
Fishing Reports
January 2022 Central Oregon Fishing Report
As January comes to an end, it’s time to recap what 2022 has offered so far in local fis ...